
Trial Day Two

     Today something happened that subtly changed my life. While waiting for my nephew to get off the bus, after they had been delayed because of a lock down, (Explanation on lock down will continue later!) a neighbor came over. My grandmother and sister went to the door while I stayed upstairs for a few moments with the sleeping baby. Anyway, the neighbor was informing my sister about the lock down sense we had no idea it was going on. Amiss all of this I decide to let my nosiness get the better of me and I waltz down the stairs. I was about three steps from the bottom when the neighbor makes eye contact with me. I smile and wave. Without a word from me she says "Oh that must me your sister. You both look exactly alike."
     I felt like hugging the woman. I who was adopted at the young age of 18 months has never truly felt that way before. I was so proud that someone recognized the similarities between myself and my birth sister. I also felt like a reassurance. I love my adoptive family more than words can describe and I will never be able to repay them for anything they have done for me. From taking my frantic calls at four in the morning to taking pictures of me at prom. The feeling though is slightly different. I love them and I am super proud to be chosen to be a part of their lives but knowing that with a glance someone saw that we were related is different.
    I looked to my sister at that moment and I saw her searching my face for something that reminded it of her own and she smiled. There's one trait that's the same.

     Today I got to sleep in until ten which is not really sleeping in for me. Then we palled around for a bit. We went to children's story time then took a trip to iHop. Back at the house sis and I escaped to her bedroom where we watched The Glee Project. Boy why didn't someone tell me before that it existed? Anyway I'm totally in love with a guy named Damion on it. He's from Ireland (like me) but he lives there currently. He is super cute and sweet not to mention he has the cutest accent! The even subtitle him on the show. Which cracked both sis's hubby and me up. Then we found out about the lock down. Apparently within .08 blocks of  my nephew's school there was a suicidal guy. The police were trying to reason with him. When they did get him to calm down he had a shotgun, handgun and a knife on him. We were worried about what the school might have told the kids but the nephew didn't seem to notice that anything was different about his day. Nor the two extra hours tacked on to it. Other than all of that we tried to play today out as normally as we could so I could get the gist of things. I kinda feel like I should sign off in a way on these things but when I stop typing isn't that signing off?

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