
Trial Day Three

     Today was day three of my vacation/ trail run here in Georgia. Sissy went out this afternoon to do a Doula prenatal with her client. While she was gone grandma and I were alone with the youngest nephew. I have no idea why but that two year old run's around naked as a jay bird all the time. I tried desperately to get a diaper on him but it turned into a game for him as almost everything does and I was unsuccessful. Anyway Grandma stayed downstairs watching her Obama on the tube. I ran around with the little one for a bit. Made a mess of ordering a pizza and then got him to nap with me.
     I thought great I got him to fall asleep but when I told sis she seemed amazed, saying that he doesn't fall asleep for anyone but her. While he napped I picked up a bit re- arranged in preparation and watched Whipeout.  I also but in my two weeks today. Neither of my managers were in so I don't have my exact departure date but I'll find out tomorrow. I love it here. It may not be forever but I'm super excited for the opportunity for the change.
     Also we have so many plans for the future already I'm excited. Also I feel like I am needed here whereas at home I know I'm not. I think I sorta thrive on that. Maybe that's what's been missing?

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