
Tester Day One

     Oh how successful my first day felt. I spent roughly eight hours in the car driving down here and it went fairly well. Both Fritz and Minnie (my cats) traveled very well. For most of the journey Fritz slept on a pillow and Minnie in a small space between her cat items and my suitcase. Every time Minnie woke up she cried just a bit as if to say hello I'm still here no one has petted me in an hour! We also stopped about every two hours to walk, trade out the drivers, and let the kittens out. Boy oh boy must we have looked crazy walking two cats at every rest stop on a leash. Although we did get to talk to some interesting people because of it.
     Once we got here to the house Grandma Jo kinda took over. She doesn't mean to and she means well ,bless her, but both sis and I felt a wee bit over whelmed. Like sis kept saying how sorry she was that her house was messy and Grandma kept saying she would find time to clean it up. It probably just would have been better if she said it's fine how it is doesn't bother us. (Which it doesn't bother me. Makes it feel like a home rather than a hotel.)
     My youngest nephew who is two, kept coming over to me and going uh humm. All the while his little body would kinda swing back and forth in anticipation. At which point I would smile real big and tickle the heck out of the little guy. My older nephew whom is 4 (that may be wrong but it's really close!) would try to come over and tell me all about his life. It was pretty cute. Then at bed time he tried to sleep in my bed instead of his own, I wanted to say sure go ahead. But sis had just finished telling me tales of how he wets the bed. Not the most pleasant idea.

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