
Tester Day Five

I just realized in writing this post how long I have been here so far. Seems like I have barely blinked and eye. The day's have blurred together terribly. I had no idea what day it was and because of that I forgot to call my Dad on his birthday! Ahh I feel terrible! I called him today and he didn't seem to notice but I did. He's been alone this whole week because my Mom and younger sister went on vacation at the same time as I did. We had originally planned to go together but then this popped up and you know the rest. (That is you do if you have been reading my blog. lol) Today Dad told me to make sure I was watching my spelling and grammar because this blog is a representation of myself. I thought but part of me is my bad spelling and poor grammar. I am working on it though, promise.
    Today I woke up for the first time without anyone waking me up early. Grandma acted like it was weird which just frustrated me. So what if I sleep in until 11? Who cares? There is nothing for me  to contribute until after then anyway. Might as well sleep. Sissy and I rearranged the house today. We cleaned some in the garage then we moved two couches. One went upstairs into her bedroom then other from the garage to the living room. We had some trouble moving the red one upstairs because the stairwell is so skinny! It was kinda weird though and it made me feel like I was home. Mom would constantly be doing projects to fix things up. Now I think I've caught the bug.
     Grandma and I went to see the newest Pirates movie. I admit I liked it. the story line was easy to follow for almost the first time in these movies. Jack will continue to surprise me and make me laugh. Plus the movie was two dollars and you cant go wrong with that price. Anyway today my frustration level with Grandma hit it's breaking point. It's not her fault that she cannot hear or remember things but after five day's of repeating myself over and over and her repeating herself over and over I snapped today. I was driving back from the movies making this my first time driving in Atlanta. Every other time someone had been driving me. I was using her GPS to get around and it was a bit slow on telling me when to take the turns. So I missed the turn . Then Grandma is telling me what lane to be in and muttering things under her breath. I have great hearing and knew she was saying things about me that she thought I couldn't hear. Then she tried to tip someone .85 cents at Wendy's and argues with me about it. I lost it. Soon as we get home I call Mom and cry over the phone to her. For the past week she has been outside of cell range and today was the first day I got to talk to her.

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