
The Plan

     My life is about to turn inside out. I was invited to live with my birth sister in GA. Which is a very big and far change in comparison to my Ohio life. I am going on a trial run with my Grandma Jo as my partner in crime starting next week. Ill be traveling down with half of my possessions in my car along with my two cats. Now that might sound like a crazy endeavor to most people but I'm looking at it as the opportunity of a lifetime.
     My sister is a Doula which if you have no idea what this is it means they are your birth partner and will stick with you even after the birth. This is something i have always been very interested in doing. She is going to work with me and help me become a Doula. She is going to allow me to live rent free in her home in exchange for baby sitting her two young children. Which is very exciting to me because I've always wanted to be called aunt. this endeavor is going to begin shortly and this blog will (hopefully) be my day to day feelings on the big change.

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