
Trial Day Four

     Today was super fun for me! We went to see where the Best Buy is around here and found a really cool one. It is in the mall of Georgia which is about five miles from home. It's front is a cool looking mosaic whereas my old Best Buy is just the same old Best Buy blue. They have a Magnolia in their store which is like this super uber home theater area. For the most part the store is the same set up as my current store. I also talked to three employees and they were all very nice. One thing that was weird though I feel like a giant in comparison to people here. I am only 5'8" which I consider average but people here seem like they are very small.
     Inside the actual mall of Georgia there is a .... Disney Store. I lit up like a Christmas tree when I went inside. It was like having a little piece of home with me. I am going to apply to that store like it is nobody's business! Also I applied at that Best Buy store I just am waiting to hear back from my manager to see if it was faxed over today or not. Then we came home and the older nephew played a computer game with me. After that sis and I went to the grocery store and I learned the basics of extreme couponing. (For the rational mind.) Tonight once she gets the little one to bed we are going to play this crazy board game she was talking about on my first day here.

1 comment:

  1. SB! I'd love to read what you wrote but the print doesn't show well against the Disney background. Try using a bold font in white or yellow.


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