
Trial Day Six

My favorite picture!
Today was a blast. Sis did my hair amazingly and added feathers. They look totally awesome. She loves to play with my hair which is good for me since I cannot do anything with it. I love my lil sis MC but its hard to convince her to do my hair. I do have tons of it. Every time I go to get it cut I feel like they should collect the cuttings to make a wig. Then we went out to deliver my application to Best Buy.
I have to admit I looked completely adorable. Sometime this week I will upload a picture. I talked to their operations senior, he was very nice. He was super excited that I was transferring. He said he would give me a call within the week! He might even have a full time position open within the department I work at the other store. After the good news sis, her hubby, and I went to pick up some drinks to have a good evening at home. We played this game called Dominion which was fun. Then sis and I talked a lot about what she knew about the adoption. Really what she knew about me. It was nice to have someone so open to talking to me. Others have spoken before her but whenever I talk to grandma she cries and I feel bad bringing it up around my mom.
My feathers.

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