
Final Tester Day (Day Seven)

     Yesterday was nice because the whole family was home and free to hang. We played this game as a family called Ticket to Ride. It was great plus there was the added bonus that I won the game. My elder nephew came over and said that he would be on my team. Then he would leave to play. Only to come back when the game was almost over. It was pretty funny. I think he chose me as his team mate because I was winning. Or at least it seemed that way to him. Then I went upstairs to spend some finals quality time with my kittens. I left them there to eliminate the travel time with them and make it easier for them as well.
     The sis and I watched Something Borrowed which we both decided was a bad movie. The characters are un lovable. Not to mention the whole situation with the best friend having and affair with her best friends man hit a little close to home. Nice thing about Atlanta is that I kinda forget about things back in cincinnati. Then she and I realized that I might have a fever. I went to bed around midnight which if you know me at all is unusual. Anyway I'm typing all of this up as we drive back home. I can tell grandma wants me to be more "present".

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