
Life Settled

     So I've been here about a month and I think I have finally settled in. It's taken a while. I still have not fully realized the change I have made in my life but things are getting there. I absolutely love my sister. It's hilarious to see how similar we are. The longer I stay here the more I realize that some things really are skin deep.
     I have been working like a mad woman. Last week I was off on Monday and I have not had a day off since. My next day is on Thursday! I had overtime probably for the first time at BBY last week. But it couldn't be helped. One thing is I was already scheduled for 38 hours then I come in 15 min early every day. Plus on two days I was kept after for about an hour. One day it was a team close where you cannot leave until the whole store is done with their closing duties, the second happened when my schedule was whacked out and I had to close at 10 when my schedule had me going home at 9. My manager said technically I could leave at 9 but what kind of employee does that? Not this one.
      I took over the job at work of being Mrs. Organization. I have been working very hard to get everything in ship shape. Tuesday we are be inspected by some people and I took it into my personal inventory to make sure things all got together in time. I have a date on Friday! I am so nervous. It's going to be my first "official" date since my last boyfriend. I've seen other guys in the in between space but none took me out on a date or did anything quite so formal. I'm excited, I just hope everything works out like I'm wishing. There is something in the air here. I just feel like everything is going to work out. Like I'm meant to be here. I know that may seem strange to some of you but I am trusting this instinct.
      This month I will begin my doula training. I am sooo beyond excited about that. Right now Glee is serenading me from Spotify which I have deemed is amazing. I began writing again today. I haven't done that in a very long time and it also feels right. Maybe this time I'll actually finish a story to publish it. We shall see. Well its about 3:13 am here I should probably do what the rest of the world is doing and go to sleep. Plus my kitten is sleeping in such a cute way I just feel the need to cuddle.

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