
A week!

     I've been here for a whole week just about now. It's been very busy here with two little ones running around. My sleep schedule is so wonky! It's hard to sleep when no one will leave you alone. I haven't started work yet but I am supposed to start work this week. I havent done a lot here. But I did make a awesome bathroom! The theme being MICKEY! I'll post some pictures of it soon. I went to Mommy and me gymnastics with sis and the little one. He was so adorable doing all of these moves. We got our microwave fixed which makes me very happy. I did not realize how dependent I am on it until I didn't have it.
    In a week or so my Momma is going to be here. It will only be for a couple of days but oh joy how cool will that be. I can show her whatever I know. (Which I hope is a little more by then.) I actually cannot wait to start work. i feel kinda pitiful here without a job only because I am so used to one.

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