
Life Settled?

     Life has slowly settled into a routine here in the ATL. I have been meeting tons of people at work and make friends here like its nobody's business. We got real TV this week so I'm back to watching lot's of late night food network and HGTV. This has inspired me to attempt to make Lobster Bisque. I think I can do it. I could even cook the lobster I think but I don't think I have the heart (or the knowledge) to cut it up correctly. Fritz (my hefty hefty cat) broke his collar today and is wearing Jack's old collar. Which makes me a little sad but it's kinda cool to see it move on like that. I watched the kiddos today all by myself and it went fairly well. The elder nephew kept begging me to let him sleep with me but I am a little wary of that. One I don't want him to get used to it, two he wets the bed, and three I don't sleep all that well with others in my bed. Except for my Minnie and Fritz. Whom by the way seems to be getting yet another nickname to add to his ever growing list. The newest being Fritters adding to Bugger, Buddy, Chunk, Stinkers etc... I think that's everything that's going on for now. If you have any think you want to ask or to know please let me know. Also I have added pictures to the other pages. I went to the Zoo here and saw a PANDA! It was super cute. Those pics will be following soon.

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