

     Hey yall! I know I don't post to frequently but I am posting when things happen Which is not a lot as of right now. Ah se la vive! (That may not be spelled right but you get the gist.) The significant thing that is happening to be will be tomorrow at noon. I will be having an interview with my first love Disney! I am interviewing at the location here in the mall. I am super excited!!!! It's only for a seasonal position but she has already talked to me about part-time! Maybe this will get me onto the path I truly desire.
     As a smaller side note, I've been watching Once Upon a Time and it's very good. Go check it out. On sunday's at eight. Also a webisode show called Wendy (about Peter Pan) is very good but is only a few episodes long. The second season will continue if it gets enough views check it out on you tube.

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