
Life Settled

     So I've been here about a month and I think I have finally settled in. It's taken a while. I still have not fully realized the change I have made in my life but things are getting there. I absolutely love my sister. It's hilarious to see how similar we are. The longer I stay here the more I realize that some things really are skin deep.
     I have been working like a mad woman. Last week I was off on Monday and I have not had a day off since. My next day is on Thursday! I had overtime probably for the first time at BBY last week. But it couldn't be helped. One thing is I was already scheduled for 38 hours then I come in 15 min early every day. Plus on two days I was kept after for about an hour. One day it was a team close where you cannot leave until the whole store is done with their closing duties, the second happened when my schedule was whacked out and I had to close at 10 when my schedule had me going home at 9. My manager said technically I could leave at 9 but what kind of employee does that? Not this one.
      I took over the job at work of being Mrs. Organization. I have been working very hard to get everything in ship shape. Tuesday we are be inspected by some people and I took it into my personal inventory to make sure things all got together in time. I have a date on Friday! I am so nervous. It's going to be my first "official" date since my last boyfriend. I've seen other guys in the in between space but none took me out on a date or did anything quite so formal. I'm excited, I just hope everything works out like I'm wishing. There is something in the air here. I just feel like everything is going to work out. Like I'm meant to be here. I know that may seem strange to some of you but I am trusting this instinct.
      This month I will begin my doula training. I am sooo beyond excited about that. Right now Glee is serenading me from Spotify which I have deemed is amazing. I began writing again today. I haven't done that in a very long time and it also feels right. Maybe this time I'll actually finish a story to publish it. We shall see. Well its about 3:13 am here I should probably do what the rest of the world is doing and go to sleep. Plus my kitten is sleeping in such a cute way I just feel the need to cuddle.



This is the end of my first week. Its been busy here because of the kids but I like it. Work itself is slow so far. But the people are very nice. We have Magnolia at this store which is totally cool! Mommas going to come and visit.


A week!

     I've been here for a whole week just about now. It's been very busy here with two little ones running around. My sleep schedule is so wonky! It's hard to sleep when no one will leave you alone. I haven't started work yet but I am supposed to start work this week. I havent done a lot here. But I did make a awesome bathroom! The theme being MICKEY! I'll post some pictures of it soon. I went to Mommy and me gymnastics with sis and the little one. He was so adorable doing all of these moves. We got our microwave fixed which makes me very happy. I did not realize how dependent I am on it until I didn't have it.
    In a week or so my Momma is going to be here. It will only be for a couple of days but oh joy how cool will that be. I can show her whatever I know. (Which I hope is a little more by then.) I actually cannot wait to start work. i feel kinda pitiful here without a job only because I am so used to one.


Here I am Atlanta!

     I arrived after a very stressful couple of days. It rained almost the whole way down. Twice I thought about pulling over but since my van was packed with almost everything I own I couldn't see very well. At least not well enough to pull over in a storm.
      Still waiting to go to work at this best buy but its been nice to have the time to unpack. I just feel so useless... its a strange feeling. But I do love it here. So far so good!


While at home....

     I realize that I have not posted in a long time but I thought to myself "This is a blog about my Atlanta travels and I'm in Cincinnati". But I would write a brief summary of what has been happening to me while I've been in Cincy.

     This whole moving away thing has been surreal to me. I still don't think that I've personally realized the huge step I am about to take. I slowly moved out of the condo with the help of friends and family. My roommate got ever meaner as the days went on. All I could think was geez you geezer I only have a few days left can't you pretend to be nice for them? I had a party with a few people from work and it was great! It's weird to realize how many lives you touch in your time somewhere.

     My friends and I had a little gathering last night. My friends mom got me this adorable Mickey Mouse watch and matching cookie cake! Then we played this cool game called Betrayal at House on Haunted Hill. It was very cool. I will have to introduce my sis to it. Packing for this move has been terrible. I am just so overwhelmed I basically need someone to tell me the next thing to do. Everyone was looking at me today for the next step and I just didn't have it. I cannot wait to see my kittens tomorrow!