
The day after Black Friday....

     So I have finally completed my Black Friday double job craziness. It began at midnight on Thursday at Disney which was definitively crazy as it began. the line was super long but it wasnt that bad of a work day. Then after 8 am I moved to the next job at Best Buy worked there until 11pm. That side of Black Friday was a lot busier than the other only because customers were a little crazier. But there were a few up sides to the job. The first was a call from some local firemen begging me to find an item for them. When I did they came in a little while later to purchase it. They asked for me personally. They were totally cute and sweet. They told me I made their Christmas. the second was the one on one time I had after we closed with this guy I have a crush on. After three energy drinks I survived Black Friday. Nothing crazy going on here.